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Tuesday, August 30, 2005The 2005 Insiders Guide To Highschool, The Tattoo's annual compilation of witty advice, basic guidelines to everything from the social scene to school supplies to how to get on a teacher's good side and much more. The debut edition of this Fall's guide features a cartoon on the mass of summer homework that Yankees regretfully receive by cartoonist Justin Skaradosky from Connecticut, a piece by Canadian Tattoo staff writer Nicole Texeria of Concord, Ontario (outside Toronto) on how to survive the deeply dreaded first day of highschool as well as some words of wisdom on the secrets of success and the ingridients to staying happy in highschool by Tattoo staff writers Afghan Edrees Kakar (living in Pakistan), Oscar Ramirez of El Salvador. Pull it up by going to our homepage at www.readthetattoo.com then clicking on the purple tinged links on the right-hand side titled "Latest Issue" and "Newly Posted" (this includes the online article by Virginia Tattoo staff writer Stacey Garret on how to best pack your backpack with the best supplies for school). File through The Tattoo's archives by clicking the black tinged link "Overview" beneath the icon of the Guide on the left-hand side of the homepage to open up a plethora of advice from the past 5 years. Further issues are on their way to the press over the next two Mondays. Be sure to check out the site to be informed of how to embark on your highschool journey if entering grade 9 or the next chapter for those in the middle of highschool! Teague Neal blogged on 4:36 AM
Monday, August 29, 2005As those of you who are family and those of you who are among my close circle of friends I do have a fetish for all things at 39,000 feet. Whether it's actually flying in general, boarding flights on different types of aircraft or my strong aspiration to put the number of male flight attendants and maybe later on down the flight path, purser by becoming up one by becoming one. Two plane good movies, one which I can see is worthy of a viewing and one which I am predicting is worthy of a viewing. The first is titled Red Eye which has a young woman (Canadian Rachel McAdams from London, Ontario who played the backstabbing pro Regina in 2004' in Mean Girls) whose a hotel manager flying back from dealing with death arrangments and attending her grandma's funeral in Dallas, home to Miami. The flight as so commonly today was delayed (in fact I have never been on a on-time flight in my life, the closest I think was 25 minutes late) and starts chatting with this man (Irish actor Cillian Murphy from Batman Begins and from 2004 academy award winning Cold Moutain) over drinks. Once they finally do board to her eerie surprise the man is seated next to her. After a couple minutes as they begin introductions she explains she's a hotel manager of a major hotel on Miami Beach and he says different things including "it's my business to know your business" and the best thriller I have seen in a while unfolds. Check out its webpage on the Internet Movie Database, a wealth of all things film and Hollywood at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0421239/ or its homepage at: http://www.redeye-themovie.com/ The prediction from what I have seen titled Flight Plan has a woman flying home to New York from Berlin, Germany with her 9 year old daughter from indentifying her husband at a German morgue. The woman played by in my mind a senesational actress and person Jodie Foster drifts off to sleep, once she awakes in the dimly lit cabin of the red eye flight her six year old daughter has dissapeared on the double decker Airbus which she helped design the engines for. The question is regardless of how glam and glistening the new double decker plane debuting in 2006 is, its still an enclosed space and her question is where the hell is my daughter? Some say she never boarded, some say she's dead, we must await the anwser on September 23rd and check it over on its profile on the Internet Movie Database at: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408790/ or its homepage at: http://flightplan.movies.go.com/ Put your seat in its upright position, please fasten your seatbelt by inserting the metal fitting into the clasp and pulling on the strap (who the hell doesn't know how to put a seatbelt on, if they don't know how to put one on I wonder how they even drove to the airport without getting killed before stepping on the airplane), a "joke" of a pair of ex two European flight attendants who had enough and quit the job, though said they miss making overhead compartments into beds, I do wonder how soft and cozy their beds at home are. I'll have to run a couple flying jokes and tales, including some personal ones sometime. Teague Neal blogged on 4:37 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2005As the summer sun begins to fade and new memorable moments from the summer become etched in our memories, we must soon bid adieu to the summer. Canucks savour your final two weeks of bliss and Yankees best of luck as you step away from summer slumber, socializing and living life a la Dolce Vita! The conclusion of summer does bring sadness though my tears aren't as thick with my entrance into the outdoor hands on leadership program Bronte Creek Project upcoming which should be a unique and exciting , nevertheless the final curtain call of this heavenly part of the year is not a happy one that's for sure. As we spring into September and get back at it, there are several memorable events to look forward to. These include the season premieres of those TV shows that make us laugh and cry. Television over the past few years has been rolling down the hill and there sure is a lot of stuff that deserves to go out with the trash but the old standbys are still coming back. For those of you like me who seat on the edge of your seat and love seeing 11 teams race around the world to 12 countries seeking the 1 million dollar cheque will be elated. The details of The Amazing Race 8 and 9 are beginning to emerge. This time round Phil Keoghan and his teams are doing things a little differently with families of four making up the 11 teams who will jet across the world. The basics otherwise seem to remain the same from past seasons though the application page on the main site of CBS I read a while back stated that kids as young as 12 could apply. To see the youngsters eating foreign food, physical tasks, dealing with the lack of sleep and the rules of the race should prove to be interesting. CBS has uploaded the profiles of the teams so you can start deciding who you think will be your favourites and a synopsis on the new format of the show. Here's the link: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/amazing_race8/ The Amazing Race 8: Family Edition has its two hour season premiere on Tuesday September 27th at 9pm. For those of you who are Race fans or maybe are going to give it a shot this season a great resource despite its strange name is http://www.theamazingracesucks.com/ which has all the latest news, insiders information, takes you behind the scenes and profiles each show at the season progresses. Here's a recent news article with an overview of the new format here: http://www.realitytvworld.com/index/articles/story.php?s=3667 It has also been officially anounced that The Amazing Race 9 which will go back to the traditional format will begin shooting in November and have its season premiere in early 2006, some sources are saying the beggining of February. CSI fans can begin to solve crime cases along with the the teams. The original and my personal favourite CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas) has the premiere of its 6th season on September 22nd at 9pm. The 4th season of CSI: Miami is on September 19th and the 2nd season of CSI: New York is on September 21st, both at 10pm.Mark your calandars! Teague Neal blogged on 2:56 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005As millions of users around the world click on their country's version of famed American Internet giant Google right at this very moment , they are doing this for a reason, good reason in fact. Google is simply a truly one of a kind and family friendly company which our world doesn't seem to be overflowing with especially in Canada and the U.S. What other company out there takes into account their employees fun, health and pyschee as much as Google. This is where Google glows. What's your office without an indoor/outdoor cafeteria with free food & munchies, tennis & volleyball courts, a daycare for kids to have fun spending the day in and much more? Laundry can even be done with a white board reminding employees "don't steal undies". Check out the cool video and see what the behind the scenes at this Internet giant is like Ages ago I came across a test lab site where employees put their personal projects for the public of the world to use, see and comment on. Google has laid a law down that mandates that all employees must spend a minimum of 20% of their time working on their own thing. How cool is that? These creations can be found in Google Labs Within this lab I located a piece of technological finery called Google Earth There are paid and free versions on offer though the free ones are more than fine, you can try the paid one on a 7 day trial free of charge. Feel free to jet to Japan, peek at Paris (even the cars on the Champs D'Elysses or those milling around the Eiffel Tower), check out your friend's houses, neighbourhoods, seek out your school or see the very building your computer is in. Once you open the program you will find a virtual globe that will automatically zoom into your home continent. From here you can use the cursor bar at the bottom to zoom in on anywhere across the world. Punch in a specific address including your own and zoom in on your house or a place of interest anywhere on earth, literally. Have fun! Teague Neal blogged on 8:08 PM
Check out the pieces I penned that were published about the travel and tourist locations I spent nearly 3 weeks in Connecticut and Cape Cod on The Tattoo's website. Read up on my and fellow Tattoo writers' articles on funky and fun Cape Cod, Massachusetts including whalewatching, historic soaring towers and the National Seashore, a stunning beach spanning seemingly endlesssly in the travel section of The Tattoo along with other past Tattoo staffs' pieces on places around the world. You can find the Cape Cod issue Mystic Seaport: Musuem of America and the Sea, a stunning sea village recreated to look like a 19th century seaside village and shipyard is at along with a piece on Singpore staffer Geraldine Soon's article on Singapore's annual Harmony Day and a cartoon by Tattoo cartoonist Justin Skaradosky. Also be sure to check out the latest issue of The Tattoo that features two travel pieces; all about the historic Essex steam train in Connecticut by Nebraska staffer Zach Brokenrope, the graveyards of Normandy, France where I will be heading this coming March by Ireland staffer Niamh Ni Maholeoin. In addition to a piece of checking out California colleges by good friend and Connecticut staffer Stefan Koski. --Our annual Insiders Guide to Highschool is on its way! Teague Neal blogged on 7:52 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005Hello one and all, this is my newly minted blog that will remain in place for a unknown life span! My old one died an early death for unkown reasons. Thanks to my good friend from The Tattoo Stefan Koski for persevering with me to get a blog I can call my own up and running, he knows all the reasons this blog had to be changed but suffice to say it was a combination of technical and human errors! Thanks buddy, also the tremendous technical team at Dell in Bangalore, India for helping me to access this site which for some strange reason was banned from my eyes for a period due to zany spyware. This blog will feature periodic posts of my life, thoughts, interests, latest articles for the award winning teen newspaper I write for The Tattoo. Also in the next couple months as my book's writing draws to a close there will be much more information on it as it evolves, look for that. Feel free to leave your comments. As Stefan picked up on the last time a horizon really can't set, so I will leave off tonight saying that a second sun is setting here! Thanks for your patience. Teague Neal blogged on 9:51 PM
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