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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Behind the Curtains....Opening up the World

The Hilton Hawaiian Village on the world famed Waikiki Beach

Another log during my COOP at a major hotel chain at the fourth month mark of the five months I spent at the hotel. This highlights my future plans to work in Europe & Asia, part of the weekly logs we had to do combined with assignments. Enjoy!

The world of flight attending, one I'm highly interested in with all its upsides and downsides

Acquiring and obtaining skills for life in an area that you really enjoy is what COOP is all about. Being able to see the areas where you want to work in and be able to contribute to the world is what it's all about. I have enjoyed getting to know more about the hotel and travel industry through being at a major modern hotel for now 4 months. Time overall has flown, I enjoy the different challenges of the industry and get very excited about new challenges in the different departments of the hotel that I have been in. Of these different departments my favorite by far has been the front desk. I originally thought that desk jobs are not for me, not enjoying the heavy routine and local careers that these jobs have. However I find the front desk to be the furthest thing from regular deskwork though it's at a desk. I find that having the set number of tasks, which includes a checklist of approximately 25 tasks and then the constant different problems that happen whilst completing these tasks.

The Ty Mawr Hotel in west Wales just like I'd like to do a study abroad program in and ultimately have one of my own living in the U.K upon graduation

The wide variety of people that you meet comes from all sybarites of society from across the province, the country and around the world. You walk into the hotel and go behind the desk and literally are ready for anything. Like a soldier going into battle you have absolutely no idea exactly what will happen. Whether a super sweet man will come up to you, someone who is unhappy, someone who is extremely unhappy and then the ones who cause serious problems and stress for the hotel or any area of the travel industry. I have come across many global guests who have been the gentlest most intriguing people you will meet and others who drive you up the wall. All the while the phones keep ringing and you need to continue your other tasks in the meantime. This job is something I think that takes a very certain type of person who can keep the smile of their face, not take conflicts personally and do their very best to keep on top of everything. It's not all glamorous by any means, there are late nights and early mornings and often-high stress but overall there is something special about it that I love. Being a front desk agent is a job I do admire not as a long-term career for life as there are jobs that I believe require a higher level of skill that I'm interested in. Though overall I would love to do it as a job spattered throughout my life whether it be at a resort on the coast of Wales, in Tokyo or in a Canadian Rockies resort it's something I would like to explore for sure. With my connections out west and my Uncle telling me about a connection he has with a luxury resort in the mountains of British Columbia on Canada's West Coast and with my interest in the resorts of Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise and the hotel and tourism industry of both Edmonton and Calgary there is so much to do while in college and in the future.

The Hotel de Vieux Sale in Paris, a European hotel just like I'd love to do a work term or permanently work in

Teague Neal blogged on 12:10 AM 0 comments


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Teague Neal
Oakville, Ontario

Toronto born Teague Neal has been published in The Oakville Beaver, The Tattoo Teen Newspaper, and online at www.ReadTheTattoo.com and He has been recognized by the Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists and the Suburban Newspaper Association. He runs his own blog at www.teaguenealsplw.blogspot.com that been featured online at Home Base Holidays, he is currently writing his first science fiction and mystery novel.

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