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Thursday, August 17, 2006On the blog front I have planned many highly creative posts on the travel and tourism industry, with tools of the trade, destinations, planning and many other subjects related to travel. I will begin writing about more technical aspects of the computer world including web design programs of all kinds I am beggining to use.Also covered will be trends, programs and features by the major Internet giants and many more. Regular writing updates on my writing and The Tattoo Teen Newspaper will continue along with my writing and writing posts. On the blog front I have planned many highly creative posts on the travel and tourism industry, with tools of the trade, destinations, planning and many other subjects related to travel. I will also be investigating the launch of a podcast with my thoughts and information on travel & computer subjects and debates. Coupled with this will be a dynamic and interactive photo album section, and global recipes on a paid subscription newsletter. A sample snippet will be offered online. I will be starting a forum as well with major questions posed to bring more interaction to the site. I have over the past couple weeks been working hard on site maitenence and keeping everything looking afresh. This work will continue which includes transfering the first batch of posts to proper hotlinking and fixing kinks in the system and visually on the site. I am also very eager to try to get a hold of the beta version of the newly refurbished Blogger which provides for a more advanced system behind the scenes, I can use to produce a better blog. I will be setting up a new email to enable you my loyal global audience to report techical issues. This may be a deadlink, a blank photo or something up in the system. Feel free to use this feature anytime, in the meantime email me at teague.neal@gmail.com anytime. See you on August 28th! Teague Neal blogged on 9:37 AM
Greetings to all those across the world from my post in Oakville, Ontario shifting shortly 2712 km (1685 miles) west and approximately 400 km (250) miles north to Edmonton, Alberta! My new chosen Canadian college city of Edmonton I will be setting myself up in my first abode on my own. Will be going for a week with my parent and then launch myself into Albertan life, with 8 days to settle in, adjust to my surroundings and wander around. My orientation will begin on September 6th, with unknown expecations, presumably not overly challenging. I then start classes which first term include a set of seven classes: Computer Applications, Food and Beverage Service,Introduction to Tourism, Food and Beverage Service Practical (working at the student restaurant), Rooms Divisions Theory (front desk & hotel security), Organizational Behaviour and Business English. I will cease posting on the blog from today until my premiere post from Edmonton on Monday August 28th. At this point I will be free of the massive organizational projects, packing (made more challenging by the precautions following the aborted terror attacks) and my final appointments and social visits with those near and dear to my heart. ![]() The very green and rustic skyline of Edmonton, Alberta I absolutely and always truly wanted to take a gap year as they are now titled, and spend a year traveling. Also was highly interested in studying at a British college to live the European experience and begin where I want to end of living anyways. My ultimate goal is to live in Europe following my graduation, the fact that this seems so far flung I find very difficult to bear. Nonetheless I have been granted the green light and go ahead to spend the time between the two years abroad working, traveling and living the life of a local far, far away! This descision will take many months and the entire 8 months between now April when I can embark on this journey. The main debate at the moment is between : Japan & England with New Zealand in the back of my mind. From Japan I would travel to connections in South Korea and possibly China. From England what's especially attractive is I could work in more than one country in the United Kingdom, travel the other U.K. countries and throughout Western Europe. From New Zealand I would visit Australia and the opposite island in New Zealand from the one I would gain employment and possibly Tasmania or Fiji. Other pars of the globe fascinate me but for the work term and long term living my debate remains as this. In the coming months I will be writing posts on the study abroad companies and experiences that are available, profiling these countries in further detail with an expatriate edge. I am looking into other travel over the next while which will come with photos and posts. ![]() London, a truly world class city, strongly thinking of doing my work term here,and want to live here in the future, ![]() The almost ethereal untouched landscape of New Zealand, one of the possibilities for my work term ![]() The seas of shining Japanese neon lines light up the neverending streets of Tokyo, Japan is one of the strong contenders for my work term, I would absolutely love to return after doing a Japanese exchange there in 2004 ![]() The Golden Temple built in 1534 for Shogun Ashilaga Yosmitsu,his retirement home built in 1387 I saw while in Japan in Kyoto Teague Neal blogged on 9:20 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006Something pretty snazy my fellow friends across the globe have had on their blogs for some time now, I have gotten around to doing. This research represents a highly intriguing project that computer specialists Jason Calacanis and Brian Alvey did. In this brain boggling study the pair allocated money to web traffic on a long list of blogs, seach engines and websites on differentservers. Check out the long list of sites, search engines and blogs on the link that branches off the icon below. I am extremely excited to say that my blog is worth $3, 387. and change! I thank you for your patronage once again! The ultra cool concepts online is beyond anyone's sharpest imagination, good fun anytime!
Teague Neal blogged on 1:03 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006I have spent the last several hours working away here in the brains of the blog. Amongst my many tasks that awaited me, I have reloaded the subscription box on the blog just below my pull down menu. This is the newly refurbished sign up, any questions just drop me an email at teague.neal@gmail.com as always. I will be more than happy to add you to the list myself. Powered by FeedBlitz Teague Neal blogged on 4:57 AM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006with Road Rewards ![]() Greyhound Lines the largest coach bus operator in the United States has launched a brand new loyalty program to reward and recognize its regular ridership. Greyhound that up until now hasn't had a official loyalty program in place now has Road Rewards. The comprehensive program that gives travelers a slew of incentives as they earn their way through traveling by bus. Riders can travel to any of the 3100 destinations across the U.S. and each time depending on the destination rack up points that can be cashed in for different deals and prizes from the company. You can easily sign up of the Road Rewards section. of the Greyhound website . To start earning you simply fill out the electronic form, submit it and will automatically get 10% off the fare of your next trip with them. ![]() After you travel six legs with Greyhound you get a free companion pass and 15% off a full fare ticket. Companion passes mean that you can bring a friend or family member along with you for the trip for free. At this level you also receive a series of 10% off certain food and beverages which you can use until the end of the year or 12 month period from when you singed up. This cycle then runs through until all incentives expire and then begins again. Following ten one way trips on Greyhound coaches you receive an additional companion pass and 20% off your next fare. The final level you can obtain is following sixteen legs on the buses you get a free ticket to anywhere in the U.S., take your pick of the 3100 destinations that Greyhound travels to. This is a real milestone for Greyhound whose business is back and booming praticularly following 9/11 which continues to descrease the load factors of airplanes across the nation. Load factors being the capacity that an airplane is filled, a good load factor is debated amognst airlines but usually 75-80% is sufficient. Many American airlines have been far below that. Greyhound is a solid alternative to flying and offers a different style of trip that allows you to see cities much more than if you simply fly 39,000 feet above them. Road Rewards is thus far only offered in the U.S. with Greyhound Lines, the American division of Greyhound. Greyhound Canada does not offer these rewards but I see no reason for them not to follow suit in the near future. ![]() Teague Neal blogged on 1:50 PM
Across America and afar the political battle between senator hopefuls Joe Liberman & Ned Lamont that has been hitting the headlines and attracting attention. The Tattoo was right on the scene and Tattoo staff reporter Wesley Saxena of West Hartford, Connecticut. Saxena was got the official words and standpoints f the candidates and whilst taking a seat on Liberman's campaign bus and experiencing the life of political reporting on the road. Saxena also caught up with Lamont at a stop at the American Clock & Watch Museum in Bristol, Connecticut. The results from both politicians are in. Teague Neal blogged on 2:23 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006![]() This summer The Tattoo has been reviewing the best and latest from the press and Hollywood. Tattoo staff writer & good friend Stefan Koski of Terryville, Connecticut, USA caught the words of wisdom of Will Leitch, the famed teen author describes the cycles of teenagehood from the standpoint of a fiction charachter in his new novel Catch, Koski tells all on how well this is accomplished in his full review.The Tattoo has been beating the heat by sitting back in theatres across the world, the finest film and flops have included; the flopsy final of the X-Men trio, by Tattoo staff Jonathan You, and the suave thriller Miami Vice and how it keeps it's cool by Dan Mecca of La Grange, New York State, and finally why the long awaited predlude to Pirates of the Caribbeanhas measured up to the long awaited arrival by Tattoo staff Samantha Perez of St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. Feel free to email your comments to The Tattoo at thetattoo@gmail.com ![]() Teague Neal blogged on 10:10 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006Hostelling International! ![]() Following a recent week long sojurn to Hartford, Connecticut, USA visiting friends and seeing the sights and sounds of the state. Here due to the state laws prohibiting young people under the age of 21 from staying solo in hotel rooms another alternative must be found. From previous research I had done on Hartford area lodging, I remembed that a hostel existed. The Mark Twain Hostel in Hartford was a perfect piece to the puzzle of where to stay. It fit perfectly with only minor mars. We booked a private room for added security benefits, walking in and staying in the hostel proved to be a whole new experience. Accustomed to staying in high end hotels, this experience certainly opened up a whole new world. To assist those under 21 or people travelling on a budget I posted a thorough review of it all on the Hostelling International website where the profile on the webpage of the The Mark Twain Hostel. Within hours the webmaster posted my review and now it's there for all to gain advice and knowledge! My alias is Canuck Globetrotter posted in July 2006. ![]() Hostelling International formed by Richard Scchirrman, a German teacher in 1909. His belief for the world to have people who had less and limited money to rub together were still as eligible to travel the globe and experience the cities and countryside. This has since blossomed into over 4000 hostels across 80 countries across the world. The hostels can be a European castle, a converted house, a hotel style building or anything under the sun. These hostels give young people the ability to connect to cultures and countries through who they connect with. Young and old alike want to see our planet and a good number of them must do this with a lighter money bag in hand. During my stay I connected with the Taiwanese managers and a man from Austria spending time in Connecticut before making his way on to Virgina Beach. He had a fascinating history and gave me an in depth glimpse into his country, the transportation, money and demographics of Austria. He told me of the layout and places to be sure to include on your travels in Vienna and much more. Hostelling, a simpler way to stay with even more benefits than a hotel! Teague Neal blogged on 1:23 PM
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